#HEALTHTALK 05: Getting rid of Belly Fat

Belly fat in our local parlance is called pot belly. It means fat that surrounds the abdomen. Belly fat can be seen in both genders.

Two types of fat

  1. Visceral: This is the type of fat that surrounds the organs of a person. 
  2. Subcutaneous: This is the type of fat that sits under the skin. It is belly fat: the subject of today's #HEALTHTALK. 

Reasons for Belly fat

  • Poor diet:
People get belly fat when they consume energy-giving foods in excess, take too much low-protein diet and transfat that cause inflammation, which also causes obesity.
  • Sedentary lifestyle:
When I say sedentary, I mean people that tend to sit for long at a place to do a given task. Sedentary workers are not as active as other workers. A banker is an example of a sedentary worker.
  • Lack of exercise:
People who  judiciously practice daily exercises are healthier and tend to burn fat. Exercise is the healthiest way to loose belly fat.

Photo credit: Pixabay
  • Alcohol
Alcohol, when taken in the right proportion, does no harm; but excessive consumption increases belly fat, causes liver cirrhosis, and affects one's psychology. Also, alcoholic and soft drinks can give you the sense of full, making you to avoid food; yet it supplied empty calories to the body. So, the person keeps drinking and expanding their belly with alcohol or soft drinks. Many alcoholics eat very little because they are always full
  • Genetics
Genes play a vital role in our lives and this is why your history is needed when tracing a particular illness. It can influence a person's metabolism and behaviour. It is also a risk factor for obesity related diseases.
  • Other reasons:
Smoking, poor sleep, stress and malnutrition in form of over nutrition are also causes of belly fat.


What happens to your health when you have belly fat?

Belly fat increases the risk of someone having:
  • Heart diseases/attacks
  • Stroke
  • Asthma
  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Alzheimer's disease
  • Cancer; like breast and colon cancer
  • High blood pressure and other cardiovascular diseases

How can Belly fat be removed?

  • Exercise regularly and avoid living a sedentary lifestyle. 
  • Avoid taking concoctions to reduce weight rapidly. 
  • Reduce stress. 
  • Reduce alcohol and soft drink intake; if possible, avoid them completely since they contain sugar. 
  • Avoid confectioneries. 
  • Improve your diet. Eat adequately. 
  • Sleep well by improving your sleep pattern for hours. 
  • Quit smoking.

Some misconceptions about Belle fat 

  1. Belly fat is a sign of wealth: Truth is, men with belly fat are at risk of diseases and death.
  2. Avoiding food/fasting is the best way to reduce fats: Truth is that your body needs food to function well and maintain a healthy and active life. You don't need to deny the body what makes it function well. And weight loss shouldn't be drastic but gradual with time. Adequate diet is needed to reduce belly fat. 
Next week, we shall consider in more details the exercises and meal plans which can effectively help you to lose belly fat. Please keep a date with us. 

Lilian Uchechi Eze is a Nutritionist-Dietitian in Lagos, Nigeria. She is a teacher, writer and content developer at The Paul Anunaso Blog, and can be reached at lilian.thepaulanunasoblog@gmail.com


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