#CHURCHTALK 25: Did Jesus ever address homosexuality?

There is a common argument which says that Jesus never addressed homosexuality. As followers of Christ, Christians are often called up to offer a defense as to why they take the issue of homosexuality so seriously, even though Jesus Christ Himself whom they claim to follow never mentioned it, not even for once in the gospels!

Frankly, as a Christian, I’m not quite sure how I would have responded to that question if I were asked before somedays ago when I ran into a YouTube video by Voddie Bauchan. His response to the question in the video is so insightful, and I thought to share it in this edition of #ChurchTalk. 

Evidently, Jesus did address homosexuality, and here are three (3) ways in which he did:

1.   In the Gospel according to Matthew, chapters 5 and 19

In these two (2) chapters, Jesus addressed the issue of marriage. During those teachings, He rooted the understanding of marriage in the teaching found in Genesis 2, which established marriage as being between a man and a woman, primarily for the purpose of companionship and procreation.

The logic is that since God is the author of marriage and not man, it is therefore Him who retains the prerogative to define marriage, not man. 

So, man does not have the right to introduce the concept of same-sex marriage, especially because by definition, it is not marriage, but another thing, and secondly, because by definition also, same-sex marriage goes against what was created in Genesis 2.

2.   As a member of the Godhead

This is the bigger issue here: Jesus is a member of the Godhead. The belief in one God who has existed eternally in three person is a foundational Christian belief. 

These three persons in one God are referred to as the Godhead: the Father, the Word (Son) and the Spirit. Jesus is the Word.

The Godhead are inseparable in intent, thought, word and action. This is what makes them one. Jesus Himself did say repeatedly, “I and my father are one”. Hence, we can’t separate Jesus from the Father in the issue of homosexuality.

Jesus was there in Sodom and Gomorrah, raining down fire and brimstone on the city because of homosexuality. 

Jesus is the author of Leviticus and indeed all the books of the law of Moses which completely rejected homosexuality.

So, we really can’t say that Jesus never addressed the issue of homosexuality, unless we’re also willing to argue that He has a different opinion on the issue than the Father and the Spirit. This would be a cataclysmic breach in the Trinity, and the very foundation of life itself would be called into question if that were to happen. But it has not happened.

3.   The Bible is one story, not many

Just as you cannot separate Jesus from the Father and the Spirit on issues, you also can’t separate Him from those who have received the Father and the Spirit.

What do the Apostles teach? Whose Apostles are they, by the way? They are Christ’s apostles. And if they’re Christ’s apostles, then the teaching that they give are the authoritative teaching of the church from the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. The apostles clearly teach against homosexuality.

Finally, if one argues that Christ never mentioned nor said anything on the issue of homosexuality, it should also be evident to such a person that Christ also didn’t mention or teach on pedophilia either. Does that make it right? 

Are those who are willing to support homosexuality using the argument that Jesus never taught about it (which by the way we now see is wrong, because He did teach about it) also willing to support pedophilia too? 

Dr. Voddie T. Baucham Jr. wears many hats. He is a husband, father, former pastor, author, professor, conference speaker, and church planter. He currently serves as Dean of Theology at African Christian University in Lusaka, Zambia.

Compiled by Chukwubuikem Paul Anunaso, a CNBC Africa opinion writer and civil/structural engineer in Lagos, Nigeria. He is also the editor of The Paul Anunaso Blog, and can be reached at anunaso.cp@gmail.com

Please participate by leaving your comments or questions about today's #ChurchTalk in the comments section below. Feel free to also discuss on social media platforms using the hashtag #ChurchTalk. 

Also, please suggest a #ChurchTalk topic for subsequent consideration, and we may feature it in the next edition of #ChurchTalk. State your suggested topics in the comments section below, or send them to thepaulanunasoblog@gmail.com 

Thanks for reading and participating.


  1. Thank you so much for this.... This is Apt! Insight filled.

    1. Thank you for your feedback, Pearl. We're glad that you're blessed by it. Cheers!

  2. Good morning Paul. When you say Jesus was the author of all of Moses' books, do you mean that in the sense that he is also known as "the word"

    1. Good morning. Thanks for your feedback. Yes, it is meant in that sense, and also literally in the sense that He inspired the contents and authored them too. The Father, the Word and the Spirit have always acted in unison from before time and for all time, because they are one in all things.

  3. I wouldn't be able to answer the question before now too. Thanks I got something to say if asked. Insightful indeed.

    1. Cheers, Henry. We're glad you found it insightful too.

  4. Wawu. The last argument on pedophile was shattering. Very reasonable grounds.

    1. Yes, Daniel. Dr. Voddie made such a strong argument with that.
      Thanks for your feedback.

    2. Thanks for this master piece. It is worthwhile a defence for the Gospel. Greater Grace in Jesus name

      Mark Desmond

    3. AMEN! Thank you so much sir @Pastor Mark. We appreciate your love and support for what we do. God bless you sir.

  5. Insightful. God bless you.
    Well done

    1. Thanks for your feedback. We're glad that you're blessed by it.

  6. I enjoyed this the most, because it gives light to the notion that God didn't create the homosexuals the way they claim they were created by default

    1. Thanks for your feedback. Please identify yourself using your Facebook name in order to claim your prize.


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