#HEALTHTALK 14: What you need to know about Headaches

Sometimes we experience pains in the head. These pains are caused by dilation of cerebral arteries or muscle contractions or drug reactions. These contractions come with  uncomfortable pains which can make a person to feel distressed.

Nevertheless, the causes, intensity and durations vary  for the different types of headaches.

There are several types of headaches, based on their characteristics. They include:

1.   Cluster headaches
2.   Hypertension headaches
3.   Post traumatic headaches
4.   Hormone headaches
5.   Migraine headaches
6.   Allergy or Sinus headache
7.   Exertion headaches
8.   Rebound headache
9.   Caffeine headache

Migraine headache

Migraine type of headache is characterized by an intense pulsing deep within the head. It reduces the ability to carryout daily activities. Migraine pains can last for days and make the patient sensitive to light and sounds.

It usually occurs with nausea and vomiting, and can also start with impaired visions which may cause the patient to experience the following:

  • Seeing stars
  • Seeing blind spots
  • Shimmering lights 
  • Zigzag lines
  • The person can also see flash lights and blackspots

Migraine headache can be hereditary, or can come as a result of nervous disorders. This is why the symptoms are similar to those of stroke.

Who is at risk of having migraine?

The most vulnerable group are those that migraine runs in their gene.

The second set are women. Some studies show that women are three times at higher risk to develop migraine than men.
Another set of people are those with post traumatic stress.

Migraine triggers: Skipping meals can trigger migraine headache, as well as dehydration, sleep disruption, some foods, hormonal imbalance, and exposure to chemicals

Some studies suggest that alternative medicines can be used to prevent migraine pains. This can be achieved through relaxation techniques, acupuncture, modified diet, and yoga exercises.

Hormones headaches
This type is caused by hormonal imbalance. Women experience this type of headache alot due to menstruation, birth control pills and pregnancy, which all have the ability to affect estrogen levels.

Sinus or allergy headaches
The pain from this type of headache is usually on the front part of the head and sinus area. Sometimes, this type of headache is caused by allergy and infection in the sinus. In the case of infection, antibiotics can be prescribed by a doctor.

Caffeine Headaches
Caffeine is a bitter alkaloid with stimulating effect. It is found in coffee and tea. Caffeine  affects blood flow to the brain. Too much caffeine consumption can trigger headache, as well as under usage of the amount you usually consume daily.

Exertion headaches
This type of headache happens after a period of exercise.

Hypertension headaches
When your blood pressure is high, you can experience headache in both sides of the head as a warning sign of danger. Patients should seek medical care immediately to bring it under control.

Rebound/Medication headaches 
Rebound headache comes through overusage of drugs, especially pain relievers.

Post traumatic headaches
This type of headache is due to traumatic experiences that caused injury. Accidents can cause this type of headache, and the headache can last longer and be managed before it can go

Tension headaches
Tension headache can be as a result of stress and tension. This type of headache may come with dull aches all over the head. It is often caused by anxiety, and can be taken care of with pain relievers.

Cluster headaches
They come with piercing and burning pains around one part of the face or an eye, and can last for several minutes and hours. It has symptoms such as: redness, swelling, sweating, flushing, eye tearing, and nasal congestion.

Some headaches can be chronic and consistent and some can be episodic; that is, occur once in a while or more often.

Generally, self medication is never advised, because you might be taking a wrong medicine; for instance, a pain reliever, when you are supposed to treat a particular sickness causing the head. You should visit the clinic to see a doctor.

Lilian Eze is a Nutritionist-Dietitian and teacher in Lagos, Nigeria. She is also a Lead Content Creator at The Paul Anunaso Blog, and can be reached at lilian.thepaulanunasoblog@gmail.com 


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